
About Indian Association of Sacramento(IAS)

The origins of Indian Association of Sacramento (IAS) are rooted in the yearly event called India Day that took place in Sacramento since 2005, around August 15th. India Day celebrates India's hard-fought independence and it's rich cultural heritage.

Indian Association of Sacramento (IAS) is a registered non-profit organization and classified as 501 tax exempt organization.

Vision of IAS is to educate our future generations, about India's rich history, cultural heritage, and ethnic diversity. People migrated from India are excited to showcase their artistic abilities on India day which is attended by minimum of 2000 people.

On India Day, every year the stage transforms into a mini India where the cultural activities from ALL languages of India take place. Unity in diversity is show cased. All the proceeds go to a charitable organization. To recognize athletic talents of the local community, few weeks before India Day, several sports (indoor, outdoor, children) competitions are held and winners are presented trophies on that day.

IAS also participates in the Republic day event organized by the California Government Senate to honor the contributions of Indian community.

IAS also conducts 5K run celebrating Mahatma Gandhi's birthday, in October 1st week.

IAS also proudly participated in Veteran's Day parade that happens in November every year in Folsom, California.